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Lo Staff Asterweb


Digium rilascia Respoke iOS e Android SDKs per WebRTC e Messaging

Il giorno 11 agosto 2015 è stato pubblicato un post da parte di Digium che informa circa il rilascio, da parte della stessa Digium, degli SKD per iOS e Android per l'interfacciamento alla piattaforma Digium’s Respoke.

Questo il link del post:
Digium Releases Respoke iOS and Android SDKs for WebRTC and Messaging

Lo Staff Asterweb


Rilasciato Asterisk 13.5.0

Il giorno 07 agosto 2015, il Team di Sviluppo di Asterisk ha annunciato il rilascio di Asterisk 13.5.0.

Dal post originale:
The release of Asterisk 13.5.0 resolves several issues reported by the
community and would have not been possible without your participation.
Thank you!

The following are the issues resolved in this release:

Improvements made in this release:
* ASTERISK-25256 - [patch]Post AMI VarSet to empty string events when Asterisk deletes a dialplan variable. (Reported by Richard Mudgett)
* ASTERISK-25067 - Sorcery Caching: Implement a new caching module (Reported by Matt Jordan)
* ASTERISK-25040 - pbx: Improve performance of reloads by making hint destruction more performant (Reported by Matt Jordan)
* ASTERISK-25114 - res_pjsip: Add AMI events for chan_pjsip contact lifecycle changes (Reported by George Joseph)
* ASTERISK-25072 - res_pjsip_outbound_registration: line functionality. Additional check for using the request URI (Reported by Dmitriy Serov)

Bugs fixed in this release:
* ASTERISK-25250 - chan_sip - Despite the channel being answered, caller on a call established via Local channel continues to hear ringback (Reported by Etienne Lessard)
* ASTERISK-25253 - confbridge volume options and other volume controls such as func_volume don't work (Reported by Dmitriy Serov)
* ASTERISK-25247 - choppy audio when spying on a g722 channel, chan_sip or chan_pjsip (Reported by hristo)
* ASTERISK-24867 - Docs for 'e' option in ResetCDR say to use CDR_PROP instead, CDR_PROP docs are unclear (Reported by Rusty Newton)

... e tanto altro.

Questo il changelog per vedere l'elenco completo


Rilasciato Asterisk 11.19.0

Il giorno 07 agosto 2015, il Team di Sviluppo di Asterisk ha annunciato il rilascio di Asterisk 11.19.0.

Dal post originale:
The release of Asterisk 11.19.0 resolves several issues reported by the
community and would have not been possible without your participation.
Thank you!

The following are the issues resolved in this release:

Bugs fixed in this release:
* ASTERISK-25250 - chan_sip - Despite the channel being answered, caller on a call established via Local channel continues to hear ringback (Reported by Etienne Lessard)
* ASTERISK-25247 - choppy audio when spying on a g722 channel, chan_sip or chan_pjsip (Reported by hristo)
* ASTERISK-24853 - Documentation claims chan_sip outbound registrations support WS or WSS as valid transports (not true) (Reported by PSDK)
* ASTERISK-25257 - [patch]channels/sig_pri.h -> sig_pri_span -> force_restart_unavailable_chans in wrong scope (Reported by Patric Marschall)
* ASTERISK-25103 - Roundup - investigate Asterisk DTLS crashes (Reported by Rusty Newton)
* ASTERISK-22805 - res_rtp_asterisk: Crash when calling BIO_ctrl_pending in dtls_srtp_check_pending when dialed by JSSIP (Reported by Dmitry Burilov)
* ASTERISK-24550 - res_rtp_asterisk: Crash in ast_rtp_on_ice_complete during DTLS handshake (Reported by Osaulenko Alexander)
* ASTERISK-24651 - [patch] Fix race condition in DTLS (Reported by Badalian Vyacheslav)
* ASTERISK-24832 - [patch]DTLS-crashes within openssl (Reported by Stefan Engstr)
* ASTERISK-25127 - DTLS crashes following "Unable to cancel schedule ID" in dtls_srtp_check_pending (Reported by Dade Brandon)
* ASTERISK-25213 - [patch]Possibility of deadlock in chan_sip INVITE early Replace code (Reported by Walter Doekes)
* ASTERISK-25220 - [patch]Closing of fd -1 in chan_mgcp.c (Reported by Walter Doekes)
* ASTERISK-25219 - [patch]Source and destination overlap in memcpy in rtp_engine.c (Reported by Walter Doekes)
* ASTERISK-25212 - [patch]Segfault when using DEBUG_FD_LEAKS (Reported by Walter Doekes)
* ASTERISK-19277 - [patch]endlessly repeating error: "poll failed: Bad file descriptor" (Reported by Barry Chern)
* ASTERISK-25202 - Hints extension state broken between 13.3.2 and 13.4 (Reported by cervajs)
* ASTERISK-25154 - [patch]fromtag may need to be updated after successful call dialog match (Reported by Damian Ivereigh)
* ASTERISK-25139 - Malicious transfer sequence locks up Asterisk (Reported by Gregory Massel)
* ASTERISK-25094 - PBX core: Investigate thread safety issues (Reported by Corey Farrell)
* ASTERISK-22559 - gcc 4.6 and higher supports weakref attribute but asterisk doesn't detect it. (Reported by ibercom)
* ASTERISK-24717 - ASAN: global-buffer-overflow codec_{ilbc | gsm | adpcm | ipc10} (Reported by Badalian Vyacheslav)
* ASTERISK-25100 - asterisk coredump if host has an IPv6 address that end with ::80 (Reported by Mark Petersen)

Questo il changelog per vedere l'elenco completo


Corso Asterisk per programmazione Web

Il nuovo corso, in calendario dal 28 al 30 settembre 2015, ha come titolo: "Web Application via Socket Manager".

E' un corso rivolto a tutti coloro che desiderano sviluppare in proprio web applications basate con l'interazione con Astrerisk via socket.

Questo il programma del corso:

  • Creazione dell'ambiente di sviluppo lato Server
  • Installazione delle librerie necessarie
  • Panoramica circa l'utilizzo delle librerie installate
  • Creazione delle applicazioni lato server
  • Creazione delle applicazioni lato client
  • Funzionamento delle librerie per Asterisk
  • Gestione degli eventi del Manager di Asterisk
  • Comunicazione server/client e viceversa

Per i dettagli del corso: CLICK QUI

Buon lavoro

Lo Staff Asterweb


Aggiornamento sezione tutorials/guide del sito Asterweb

Dal 25 luglio 2015 abbiamo iniziato l'aggiornamento della sezione "Tutorials/Guide" del nostro sito

Oltre all'aggiornamento abbiamo iniziato ad inserire nuovi tutorials/guide che, siamo certi, troverete interessanti.

Questa attività di aggiornamento proseguirà settimanalmente, per i seguenti argomenti:
- Asterisk
- FreePBX
- Linux

Buon lavoro a tutti.

Lo Staff Asterweb